During an energetic conversation with friends today over Taco Bell takeout and mystery soda, we ended up discussing the possibility that Humpty Dumpty was actually left-handed. Our revisionist theorizations on old-school nursery rhymes were punctuated by ADD-style literary remarks and wacky and disconnected (Western) cultural references. At one point, when I felt my head was spinning out of control into a colorful oblivion of pop media imagery, a friend of mine snapped: “This conversation has too many pop ups!” Ha! What a spot-on way of putting it. I felt Flash ActionScript bubbles and link preview panes popping up around us faster than Google generates an HTML search engine results page. Amidst the multilateral, all-over-the-place back-and-forths, we managed to stay on track. We concluded that Humpty Dumpty was in fact left-handed: The coming together of our disparate media musings confirmed this.
Vh1 was way ahead of its time indeed. Just like the info-nuggets on Pop Up Video, we need maps and callouts to guide us through the maze that is the media so we can focus on the topic at hand and still be true to the tenants of postmodernism. The digital realm is the key. Need to get something on lock? Look it up, blog about it and link to it, no matter how random it may seem. In the end, everything will strangely jive together!
I had to see it by myself. Thanks for the quote anyway. I believe that we are all sinking into a new concept of copyrighting, now it seems evenwhen cyberspace blurs all boundaries we are still in need of demanding our right to have ideas and be recognized by them, or by those who know about them.Meaning that we (I) still need to draw the line of where we stand. That is why (I guess) I executed my needless and by the way hyperreal-posmodern right to be quoted inside a blog... High doses of posmodern pop-ups and cyberspace(or even worst cyber-urban-space) sometimes make me think that we are all about to disappear...quotes enhance my feeling of being...popped.
that's hot
okay, so prove Humpty Dumpty was left-handed...
It's too complicated to get into it right now, but let's just say that he sat on a wall meant for right-handed folks.
It can't really work, I suppose like this.
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